Understanding the effect of temperature in film development
Temperature is one of many parameters that influence the rate of film development. Manufacturers standardize their adviced development...
Temperature is one of many parameters that influence the rate of film development. Manufacturers standardize their adviced development...
The Fuji SW 90mm f/8 lens was the first lens I got in addition to the Rodenstock Sironar-N...
It’s a tool I can’t do without and one that I carry on almost every trip. Maybe you’ve...
When you shoot film you have to be an artist and a technician at the same time. Before...
As soon as you start testing film, you quickly find out that using conventional small tank development is...
Focusing a view camera in bright daylight can be as much as a pain as in low light...
You only need to open up a search engine and look for any film-developer combination, to find that...
Camera bags. We all have (at least) one and there are always reasons to complain. I started out...
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Dressed in uniform, wearing latex gloves and with a never smiling face, the security officer at the airport...
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