The statistics of Candela Obscura and the Illuminated Worlds System

My wife recently gifted me the Candela Obscura Core Rules book as a birthday present. It has some interesting new mechanics, which are refreshing to a game master that has been playing only Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition for the past 4 years. Candela Obscura is based on the Illuminated Worlds System and uses six-sided dice (d6 for short) instead of twenty-sided dice (d20) to determine the impact...

Nonnevotten – Recipes compared

Last year I wrote a blog post on the twisted treat that my family makes every years for new years eve: Nonnevotten. I tried to standardize the recipe to measures of weight instead of volume and to standardize the process of making them to get more reliable results. If I want to improve on the recipe, I need to experiment a bit with the recipe to see if...

Nothing worse than an empty page

You probably got here after clicking on 'Blog' in the top menu. Unfortunately, there is not much to see here at the moment. I am currently working on rebuilding this site and writing new content. In the future you can expect blog posts on a broad range of topics. As this is my personal website, there will be no specific theme and the only common denominator will be me....

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