Understanding the effect of temperature in film development
Temperature is one of many parameters that influence the rate of film development. Manufacturers standardize their adviced development...
Temperature is one of many parameters that influence the rate of film development. Manufacturers standardize their adviced development...
For a few years now I have been thinking of doing something with audio. It was Isabel Curdes on Twitter that set the right example by making audio versions of her blog posts as a trial that triggered me to actually start doing it. I want to set up a podcast / audio blog about things that interest me. There will probably not be an overarching topic other than that.
During my PhD, I implemented a Python+BEM++ alternative of the SCUFF-EM code for the fluctuating surface current formalism for near-field radiative heat transfer.
The developers of BEM++ are very active and maintain the code very well. They also try to make the installation of the framework as easy as possible, and release a Docker installer for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Unfortunately, this cannot be used on the computing cluster of Delft University of Technology, because of the lack of root permissions.
The system administrators do not support installing third party software, so I had to go the long way round and do a complete installation from source code myself. From the Google group for BEM++ it seems more people want to run the code under similar circumstances. Below you will find the steps I took to get BEM++ installed on our cluster, and solutions for problems I ran into. You will probably not be able to just copy the steps one-by-one, but I hope it may serve as inspiration to get it going in your environment. A bit of knowledge about linux and compiling will help you a lot.
Continue readingInstalling BEM++ from sourceAt the Printer Attic I recently published an article titled ‘How the cameras that I use change with how I approach photography’. When I started shooting on large format film, I obtained the possibility to manipulate every sheet entirely to my liking with the print I wanted to make in mind — completely independent from the other pictures I took that day. It made that I slowly moved away from medium format, and started to dislike shooting roll film and 35 mm altogether. When I go out to shoot, I go with making a print in mind. For more casual shooting or vacations, I take a digital camera. The sheer bulk and weight of my digital kit (Canon 6D, Sigma 24-35 mm f/2 and Canon 70-200 mm f/4 USM L) are disproportional to this purpose for me. The bag was left at home, or became a nuisance more than a joy when I went out. I ended up selling the kit in order to replace it with a smaller, and lighter set.
You probably got here after clicking on 'Blog' in the top menu. Unfortunately, there is not much to see here at the moment. I am currently working on rebuilding this site and writing new content. In the future you can expect blog posts on a broad range of topics. As this is my personal website, there will be no specific theme and the only common denominator will be me....
The Fuji SW 90mm f/8 lens was the first lens I got in addition to the Rodenstock Sironar-N...
It’s a tool I can’t do without and one that I carry on almost every trip. Maybe you’ve...
When you shoot film you have to be an artist and a technician at the same time. Before...
As soon as you start testing film, you quickly find out that using conventional small tank development is...
Focusing a view camera in bright daylight can be as much as a pain as in low light...